
Countdown: 4 days

We went out Friday night and "accidentally" had our first gathering at the new house. We painted the second coat on the last wall of the hall bath, and several (9, to be exact) of our friends "stopped by" and hung out with us in our driveway when we were finished....until about 1:00am. It was lots of fun, but apparently we got caught. We went Saturday to put the second coat on the bedroom walls, and the cleaning lady was there. Apparently her husband does security for Lucas Homes and saw all of our cars there - oops! Ah well, what can they do, tell us not to do it again? No problem because in just 4 short days we will own that pile of bricks!!

They put the carpet in Friday and re-hung most of the interior doors. As I mentioned, they were cleaning Saturday & I think yesterday too. We have our walkthrough Wednesday morning, so pretty much everything should be finished by then. Yay!

First driveway party:

Freshly carpeted living room:

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